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第一章 总则

第一条 根据《中华人民共和国水法》和《中华人民共和国抗旱条例》等法律、行政法规,结合本省实际,制定本条例。
第二条 本条例所称抗旱,是指动员组织社会力量,采取工程措施或者其他措施,预防和减轻因干旱灾害引起的对生活、生产和生态造成影响的活动。
第三条 抗旱工作应当坚持民生优先、统筹兼顾、预防为主、防抗结合的原则,保障城乡居民生活用水,合理安排农业、工业生产用水和生态用水。
第四条 抗旱工作实行各级人民政府行政首长负责制。
第五条 县级以上人民政府防汛抗旱指挥机构在上级防汛抗旱指挥机构和本级人民政府的领导下,负责组织、指挥本行政区域内的旱灾预防和抗旱减灾工作。
第六条 公民、法人和其他组织有保护抗旱设施和参加抗旱的义务,并依法享有知情权、求助权和获得救济权。
第七条 县级以上人民政府应当对在旱灾预防和抗旱减灾工作中做出显著成绩的单位和个人予以表彰、奖励。

第二章 旱灾预防

第八条 县级以上人民政府水行政主管部门应当会同本级有关部门,按照《中华人民共和国抗旱条例》第十四条的规定,编制本行政区域的抗旱规划,报本级人民政府批准后实施,并抄送上一级人民政府水行政主管部门。
第九条 县级以上人民政府防汛抗旱指挥机构应当组织成员单位编制本地区抗旱预案,经上一级人民政府防汛抗旱指挥机构审查同意,报本级人民政府批准后实施。
第十条 县级以上人民政府水行政主管部门应当根据本地区抗旱预案,编制水量调度预案。
第十一条 城市人民政府防汛抗旱指挥机构应当组织有关部门,编制城区应急供水预案,经上一级人民政府防汛抗旱指挥机构审查同意,报本级人民政府批准后实施。
第十二条 县级以上人民政府应当统筹规划,充分利用、合理开发水资源,加强控制性水源和其他蓄水、引水、提水、节水工程与设施的建设、改造,实施水库除险和加固清淤,扩大引黄等地表水利用工程的供水量。
第十三条 县级以上人民政府应当采取植树造林、退耕还林、退耕还草等措施,改善植被、涵养水源。
第十四条 各级人民政府应当采取政策、资金等措施,推进全社会节约用水,提高水的利用效率。
第十五条 各级人民政府应当采取以奖代补等措施支持单位和个人研发、使用抗旱节水设备,建设、经营中小型抗旱工程。
第十六条 县级以上人民政府水行政主管部门应当组织做好下列水源工程及其配套设施的建设、管理和维护,保障严重干旱期间辖区居民基本生活用水和重点生产用水需求:
第十七条 县级以上人民政府防汛抗旱指挥机构及其有关成员单位应当根据当地实际情况,按照抗旱规划要求安排储备费用,设立储备库并储备必要的抗旱设备和抗旱减灾物资。
第十八条 县级以上人民政府防汛抗旱指挥机构应当组织建设旱情监测网络和抗旱信息系统,加强干旱灾害监测,实现成员单位之间信息共享。县级以上人民政府应当安排专项资金,保障旱情监测网络和抗旱信息系统的建设和运行。
第十九条 县级人民政府应当建立健全以县级抗旱服务组织为主体的抗旱服务体系。
第二十条 任何单位和个人不得随意占用抗旱工程设施;确需占用的,须经有管理权限的水行政主管部门批准。
第二十一条 任何单位和个人不得非法引水、截水、凿井,不得破坏、损毁旱灾预防和抗旱减灾设施、设备。

第三章 抗旱减灾和灾后恢复

第二十二条 县级以上人民政府防汛抗旱指挥机构在干旱灾害发生或者发展可能性增大时,应当及时发布相应级别的预警,启动抗旱预案,采取相应等级的应急响应措施,同时向上一级人民政府防汛抗旱指挥机构报告;在旱情缓解或者解除后,应当及时发布降低预警级别或者解除预警的信息。其他任何部门、单位和个人不得发布旱情预警和预警的降级、解除信息。
第二十三条 县级以上人民政府防汛抗旱指挥机构应当在发布轻度干旱或者中度干旱预警后,按照抗旱预案规定,采取下列措施:
第二十四条 发布严重干旱或者特大干旱预警后,县级以上人民政府防汛抗旱指挥机构除采取本条例第二十三条第一款规定的措施外,还应当向本级人民政府申请采取下列措施:
第二十五条 发生严重干旱或者特大干旱灾害时,县级以上人民政府防汛抗旱指挥机构应当按照先生活、后生产,先地表、后地下,先节水、后调水的原则统一调度抗旱应急水量。其他任何单位和个人不得调度抗旱应急水量。
第二十六条 发生特大干旱灾害,严重危及城乡居民生活、生产用水安全时,省人民政府防汛抗旱指挥机构经本级人民政府批准,可以宣布进入紧急抗旱期,并按照省抗旱预案的规定采取相应的抗旱措施,同时报告国家防汛抗旱总指挥部。
第二十七条 各级人民政府应当在财政预算中安排必要的抗旱资金,并建立和完善与抗旱减灾要求相适应的政府投入、受益者合理承担和社会资助相结合的资金投入机制。
第二十八条 县级以上人民政府防汛抗旱指挥机构应当根据旱情,会同水利、财政等有关部门编制并及时下达抗旱经费使用计划。
第二十九条 县级以上人民政府应当对兴建应急抗旱设施或者添置提水、运水设备的单位和个人给予适当补助。
第三十条 抗旱经费、补贴、物资和设备必须专项使用,任何单位和个人不得截留、挪用或者私分。
第三十一条 县级以上人民政府防汛抗旱指挥机构应当在旱情解除后,及时组织有关部门对干旱灾害影响、损失情况和抗旱减灾效益进行分析和评估,根据抗旱减灾实际情况,修订完善相关抗旱预案和水量调度预案,组织有关部门做好抗旱应急水源工程管理和维护以及抗旱物资、设备的储备、补充等工作。

第四章 法律责任

第三十二条 违反本条例规定,有下列行为之一的,由所在单位或者上级主管机关、监察机关责令改正,对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员依法给予处分;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任:
第三十三条 违反本条例规定,截留、挪用、私分抗旱经费、补贴、物资、设备的,依照有关财政违法行为处罚处分等法律、法规的规定予以处罚;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。
第三十五 条违反本条例规定,抗旱应急水源工程管理单位和抗旱物资储备单位拒不服从统一调度的,由县级以上人民政府水行政主管部门责令改正,给予警告;拒不改正的,强制执行,并处一万元以上五万元以下的罚款。
第三十六条 违反本条例规定,破坏、损毁、侵占旱灾预防和抗旱减灾设施的,由县级以上人民政府水行政主管部门责令停止违法行为,采取补救措施,并处一万元以上五万元以下的罚款;造成损坏的,依法承担民事责任;构成违反治安管理行为的,依照《中华人民共和国治安管理处罚法》的规定处罚;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。
第三十七条 违反本条例规定,非法引水、截水、凿井的,由县级以上人民政府水行政主管部门责令停止违法行为,予以警告;构成违反治安管理行为的,依照《中华人民共和国治安管理处罚法》的规定处罚;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。

第五章 附则

第三十八条 本条例自2011年7月1日起施行。





第一条 为保障民用航空安全,维护公众利益,促进民用航空事业的发展,特制定本条例。
第二条 在中华人民共和国境内从事民用航空器(含航空发动机和螺旋桨,下同)的设计、生产、使用和维修的单位或者个人,向中华人民共和国出口民用航空器的单位或者个人,以及在中华人民共和国境外维修在中华人民共和国注册登记的民用航空器的单位或者个人,均须遵守本条例。
第三条 民用航空器的适航管理,是根据国家的有关规定,对民用航空器的设计、生产、使用和维修,实施以确保飞行安全为目的的技术鉴定和监督。
第四条 民用航空器的适航管理由中国民用航空局(以下简称民航局)负责。
第五条 民用航空器的适航管理,必须执行规定的适航标准和程序。
第六条 任何单位或者个人设计民用航空器,应当持航空工业部对该设计项目的审核批准文件,向民航局申请型号合格证。民航局接受型号合格证申请后,应当按照规定进行型号合格审定;审定合格的,颁发型号合格证。
第七条 任何单位或者个人生产民用航空器,应当具有必要的生产能力,并应当持本条例第六条规定的型号合格证,经航空工业部同意后,向民航局申请生产许可证。民航局接受生产许可证申请后,应当按照规定进行生产许可审定;审定合格的,颁发生产许可证,并按照规定颁发适航证。
第八条 任何单位或者个人未取得生产许可证,但因特殊需要,申请生产民用航空器的,须经民航局批准。
第九条 民用航空器必须具有民航局颁发的适航证,方可飞行。
第十条 持有民用航空器生产许可证的单位生产的民用航空器,经国务院有关主管部门批准需要出口时,由民航局签发出口适航证。
第十一条 在中华人民共和国境内飞行的民用航空器必须具有国籍登记证。在中华人民共和国注册登记的民用航空器,具有中华人民共和国国籍,国籍登记证由民航局颁发。民用航空器取得国籍登记证后,必须按照规定在该民用航空器的外表标明国籍登记识别标志。
第十二条 中华人民共和国的任何单位或者个人进口外国生产的任何型号的民用航空器,如系首次进口并用于民用航空活动时,出口民用航空器的单位或者个人必须向民航局申请型号审查。民航局接受申请后,应当按照规定对该型号民用航空器进行型号审查;审查合格的,颁发准予进口的型号认可证书。
第十三条 中华人民共和国的任何单位或者个人租用的外国民用航空器,必须经民航局对其原登记国颁发的适航证审查认可或者另行颁发适航证后,方可飞行。
第十四条 任何单位或者个人的民用航空器取得适航证以后,必须按照民航局的有关规定和适航指令,使用和维修民用航空器,保证其始终处于持续适航状态。
第十五条 加装或者改装已取得适航证的民用航空器,必须经民航局批准,涉及的重要部件、附件必须经民航局审定。
第十六条 中华人民共和国境内和境外任何维修单位或者个人,承担在中华人民共和国注册登记的民用航空器的维修业务的,必须向民航局申请维修许可证,经民航局对其维修设施、技术人员、质量管理系统审查合格,并颁发维修许可证后,方可从事批准范围内的维修业务活动。
第十七条 负责维修并放行在中华人民共和国注册登记的民用航空器的维修技术人员,必须向民航局提出申请,经民航局或者其授权单位考核合格并取得维修人员执照或者相应的证明文件后,方可从事民用航空器的维修并放行工作。
第十八条 民用航空器的适航审查应当收取费用。收费办法由民航局会同财政部制定。
第十九条 民航局有权对生产、使用、维修民用航空器的单位或者个人以及取得适航证的民用航空器进行定期检查或者抽查;经检查与抽查不合格的,民航局除按照本条例的有关规定对其处罚外,还可吊销其有关证件。
第二十条 使用民用航空器进行飞行活动的任何单位或者个人有下列情形之一的,民航局有权责令其停止飞行,并视情节轻重,处以罚款:
第二十一条 维修民用航空器的单位或者个人,有下列情形之一的,民航局有权责令其停止维修业务或者吊销其维修许可证,并视情节轻重,处以罚款:
第二十二条 任何单位或者个人违反本条例第七条规定,擅自生产民用航空器的,民航局有权责令其停止生产,并视情节轻重,处以罚款。
第二十三条 按照本条例受到处罚的单位的上级主管机关,应当根据民航局的建议对受罚单位的主要负责人或者直接责任人员给予行政处分;情节严重,构成犯罪的,由司法机关依法追究刑事责任。
第二十四条 民航局因适航管理工作的过失造成人身伤亡或者重大财产损失的,应当承担赔偿责任,并对直接责任人员给予行政处分;直接责任人员的行为构成犯罪的,由司法机关依追究刑事责任。
第二十五条 民航局从事适航管理的工作人员,利用职务之便营私舞弊的,应当给予行政处分;情节严重,构成犯罪的,由司法机关依法追究刑事责任。
第二十六条 任何单位或者个人对民航局作出的罚款决定不服的,可以在接到罚款通知书之日起十五日内向民航局提请复议,也可以直接向人民法院起诉;期满不提请复议也不起诉又不执行的,民航局可以申请人民法院强制执行。
第二十七条 民航局应当在广泛征求航空工业部及各有关部门意见的基础上,制定本条例的实施细则及有关技术标准。
第二十八条 本条例由民航局负责解释。
第二十九条 本条例自一九八七年六月一日起施行。


Important Notice: (注意事项)
英文本源自中华人民共和国务院法制局编译, 中国法制出版社出版的《中华人民
当发生歧意时, 应以法律法规颁布单位发布的中文原文为准.
This English document is coming from the "LAWS AND REGULATIONS OF THE
which is compiled by the Brueau of Legislative Affairs of the State
Council of the People's Republic of China, and is published by the China
Legal System Publishing House.
In case of discrepancy, the original version in Chinese shall prevail.

Whole Document (法规全文)
(Promulgated by the State Council on May 4, 1987)
Article 1
These Regulations are formulated for the purpose of ensuring safety in
civil aviation, protecting public interests and promoting the development
of civil aviation undertakings.
Article 2
All units or individuals that are engaged in the designing, manufacturing,
use and maintenance of civil aircraft (including aircraft engines and
propellers, and the same hereinafter) within the People's Republic of
China, all units or individuals that export civil aircraft to the People's
Republic of China, and all units or individuals that perform outside the
People's Republic of China maintenance services to aircraft registered in
the People's Republic of China shall abide by these Regulations.
Article 3
The administration of the airworthiness of civil aircraft denotes the
technical appraisal and supervision exercised in accordance with the
pertinent provisions of the State over the designing, manufacturing, use
and maintenance of civil aircraft for the purpose of ensuring safety in
Article 4
The Civil Aviation Administration of China (hereinafter referred to as the
"CAAC") shall be responsible for the administration of the airworthiness
of civil aircraft.
Article 5
The administration of the airworthiness of civil aircraft shall be
exercised in accordance with the prescribed airworthiness criteria and
Article 6
Any units or individuals that intend to design civil aircraft shall, on
the strength of the document issued by the Ministry of Aeronautic Industry
for the examination and approval of the design project, apply to the CAAC
for a Certificate of Up-to-Standard Model. The CAAC shall, after receipt
of the application therefor, conduct the examination and appraisal, in
accordance with the relevant provisions, as to whether the model to be
designed is up to standard and, if the model is proved to be up to
standard, a Certificate of Up-to-Standard Model shall be issued.
Article 7
Any units or individuals that intend to manufacture civil aircraft shall
have the necessary manufacturing capacity and shall, on the strength of
the Certificate of Up-to-Standard Model as prescribed in Article 6 of
these Regulations and with the consent of the Ministry of Aeronautic
Industry, apply to the CAAC for a Manufacturing Permit. The CAAC shall,
after receipt of the application therefor, conduct examination and
appraisal, in accordance with the relevant provisions, as to whether the
applicants are qualified to obtain a Manufacturing Permit, if they are
proved to be qualified, a Manufacturing Permit shall be issued to them,
together with an Airworthiness Certificate to be issued in accordance with
the relevant provisions.
No units or individuals that have not obtained a Manufacturing Permit in
accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph may manufacture
civil aircraft, except as otherwise prescribed in the provisions of
Article 8 of these Regulations.
Article 8
Any units or individuals that have not obtained a Manufacturing Permit but
intend to manufacture civil aircraft as a result of special needs shall
apply to the CAAC for approval. Civil aircraft manufactured in accordance
with the provision in the preceding paragraph shall be examined one by one
and only after each of them is proved to be up to standard shall an
Airworthiness Certificate be issued.
Article 9
Civil aircraft may engage in flight operations only when they have
possessed an Airworthiness Certificate issued by the CAAC.
The Airworthiness Certificate issued by the CAAC shall specify the type(s)
of activities the aircraft is (are) good for, the period of validity of
the Certificate, and other conditions and restrictions required for
ensuring safety.
Article 10
If civil aircraft manufactured by units possessing a Civil Aircraft
Manufacturing Permit are to be exported as approved by the competent
authorities under the State Council, the Airworthiness Certificate for
Export shall be issued by the CAAC.
Article 11
Civil aircraft that are to fly within the People's Republic of China must
possess Nationality Registration Certificates. Civil aircraft that have
been registered in the People's Republic of China shall bear the
nationality of the People's Republic of China and shall be issued
Nationality Registration Certificate by the CAAC. Civil aircraft shall,
after obtaining a Nationality Registration Certificate, stencil on their
outer surface the identification marks of nationality registration in
accordance with the relevant provisions.
Article 12
Where any units or individuals of the People's Republic of China intend to
import any model of civil aircraft manufactured in foreign countries, and
if it is imported for the first time and to be used for civil aviation
activities, the units or individuals exporting that civil aircraft shall
apply to the CAAC for examination of the model. The CAAC shall, upon
receipt of the application, conduct the examination of the model of the
civil aircraft in accordance with the relevant provisions. If the model is
proved to be up to standard, a Certificate for Model Approval shall be
issued to permit the import.
Article 13
A foreign civil aircraft leased by any unit or individual of the People's
Republic of China may engage in flight operations only after the CAAC has
examined and approved the airworthiness certificate issued by the country
of registry of the said aircraft or only after the CAAC has issued a new
Airworthiness Certificate to the aircraft.
Article 14
Any units or individuals that have obtained Airworthiness Certificates for
their civil aircraft shall, in accordance with the relevant provisions of
the CAAC and its mandates of airworthiness, use and maintain the said
civil aircraft and ensure that they are in a state of permanent
Article 15
The addition or modification of a civil aircraft for which an
Airworthiness Certificate has been obtained shall be subject to the
approval of the CAAC and the essential components and accessories involved
shall be subject to the examination and approval of the CAAC.
Article 16
Any maintenance units or individuals inside or outside the People's
Republic of China that intend to undertake maintenance services for civil
aircraft registered in the People's Republic of China shall apply to the
CAAC for a Maintenance Permit. Only after the CAAC has examined their
maintenance facilities, technical personnel and quality control system,
found them up to standard and issued a Maintenance Permit may they engage
in the maintenance business activities within the scope approved.
Article 17
Maintenance technical personnel in charge of maintaining and releasing
civil aircraft registered in the People's Republic of China shall apply to
the CAAC and only after the CAAC or a unit authorized by the CAAC has
examined them and found them qualified and they have thus obtained a
Maintenance Personnel Licence or a similar certificate may they engage in
the maintenance and release of civil aircraft.
Article 18
Fees shall be charged for the examination of the airworthiness of a civil
aircraft. The amounts to be charged and relevant procedures for charging
shall be set by the CAAC in conjunction with the Ministry of Finance.
Article 19
The CAAC shall have the right to examine regularly or selectively the
units or individuals that manufacture, use or maintain civil aircraft, as
well as the civil aircraft for which Airworthiness Certificates have been
obtained. If they fail to pass the examination or selective examination,
the CAAC shall impose penalties on them in accordance with the relevant
provisions of these Regulations and may, in addition to that, revoke their
relevant documents.
Article 20
If any units or individuals that use civil aircraft for flight activities
are found in any one of the following circumstances, the CAAC shall have
the right to order them to suspend flight and impose a fine on them in
accordance with the seriousness of the case:
1. no Airworthiness Certificate has been obtained for the civil aircraft;
2. the Airworthiness Certificate of the civil aircraft has expired; or
3. the civil aircraft has been used beyond the scope prescribed in the
Airworthiness Certificate.
Article 21
If any units or individuals that maintain civil aircraft are found in any
of the following circumstances, the CAAC shall have the right to order
them to suspend the maintenance business or revoke their Maintenance
Permit and impose a fine on them in accordance with the seriousness of
1. no Maintenance Permit has been obtained and yet maintenance business
has been procured without authorization;
2. maintenance business has been undertaken beyond the business scope
prescribed in the Maintenance Permit; or
3. personnel who have not obtained a Maintenance Personnel Licence have
been put in charge of the maintenance and release of civil aircraft.
Article 22
If any units or individuals, in violation of the provisions in Article 7
of these Regulations, manufacture civil aircraft without authorization,
the CAAC shall have the right to order them to suspend the manufacturing
and impose a fine on them in accordance with the seriousness of the case.
Article 23
The superior competent authorities in charge of the penalized units in
accordance with these Regulations shall, based on the proposal of the
CAAC, subject the principal persons in charge of the penalized units or
other persons directly responsible to administrative sanctions. If the
case is so serious as to constitute a crime, criminal liabilities shall be
investigated by the judicial organs in accordance with the law.
Article 24
If accidental death or bodily injury or heavy losses in property have
occurred as a result of negligence in the work of airworthiness
administration, the CAAC shall assume the liability for damages and
subject the persons directly responsible to administrative sanctions. If
the act of the persons directly responsible constitutes a crime, the
judicial organs shall investigate their criminal liabilities in accordance
with the law.
Article 25
The CAAC personnel engaged in airworthiness administration who take
advantage of their positions and powers to seek personal gains and graft
and corruption shall be subjected to administrative sanctions. If the case
is so serious as to constitute a crime, criminal liabilities shall be
investigated by the judicial organs in accordance with the law.
Article 26
Any units or individuals that do not accept the decision of the CAAC
concerning the imposition of a fine may, within 15 days of receipt of the
notice of the fine, apply to the CAAC for reconsideration or directly file
a suit with a people's court. If no application for reconsideration is
submitted or no suit is filed and yet the decision has not been executed
at the expiry of the prescribed period of time, the CAAC may apply to the
people's court for the enforcement of the decision.
Article 27
The CAAC shall, on the basis of the opinions widely solicited from the
Ministry of Aeronautic Industry and the various departments concerned,
formulate the rules for the implementation of these Regulations and the
relevant technical standards.
Article 28
The CAAC shall be responsible for the interpretation of these Regulations.
Article 29
These Regulations shall become effective as of June 1, 1987.


中国政府 巴基斯坦伊斯兰共和国政府


(签订日期1981年6月24日 生效日期1981年6月24日)

  第一条 中华人民共和国政府将根据需要授权其对外贸易公司从巴基斯坦进口附表“甲”所列的货物和商品。

  第二条 巴基斯坦伊斯兰共和国政府将根据需要通过正常的商业途径从中华人民共和国进口附表“乙”所列的货物和商品,以达到各项商品所列的金额。巴基斯坦政府主管当局应签发从中华人民共和国进口附表“乙”所列货物和商品的单一国家许可证。

  第三条 本议定书的附表“甲”和附表“乙”为本议定书的组成部分。如有必要,两国政府主管当局将签发上述附表所列货物和商品的进出口许可证。

  第四条 缔约任何一方进口的商品,都应在本国使用或消费,未经出口方的同意,不得转口。

  第五条 本议定书项下的交易应按国际市场价格水平计价,质量和规格应符合公认的标准。

  第六条 巴基斯坦向中国出口附表“甲”所列的货物和商品,以及中国向巴基斯坦出口附表“乙”所列的货物和商品,将根据买卖双方所达成的具体合同条款的规定,以离岸价格条款或者成本加运费价格条款计价。

  第七条 中国银行和巴基斯坦国民银行应相互以对方的户名,开立一个以美元为记帐货币的特别美元帐户,分别称为“巴基斯坦第十号特别美元帐户”和“中国第十号特别美元帐户”。上述帐户应保持进出口平衡,摆动额为二百五十万美元,年息2%。该特别帐户余额超过二百五十万美元摆动额时,其超额部分,将根据双方上述银行商定的利率计付利息。

  第八条 本议定书有效期终止时,如帐面出现余额,则此余额应由顺差一方通过进口附表中所列的商品予以结清,但如期满后六个月仍有余额,则应由债务一方以可兑换的美元或其它双方可以接受的可兑换货币予以结清。

  第九条 对以美元为记账单位的币值将按下述办法保值:

  第十条 中国银行和巴基斯坦国民银行将商定为执行本议定书的银行技术细则。

  第十一条 缔约双方代表将不定期地举行会晤,以检查本议定书的执行情况,必要时,经双方同意,可对本议定书的附表进行修改。

  第十二条 本议定书自签字之日起生效,有效期为一年,在有效期内,根据本议定书的规定签订的各项合同,在本议定书期满后仍继续有效,直到合同执行完毕为止。

 中华人民共和国政府       巴基斯坦伊斯兰共和国政府
   代   表            代   表
   王 润 生           伊斯哈尔·哈克
   (签字)             (签字)